Even though this movie was incredibly long i decided to try to watch it. I have never learned much about the holocaust coming from private school so i thought it would be good to take the time on this film. It took a few breaks to get through the three hours but i made it through the whole […]

Even though i have obviously seen Jaws many times i decided to watch it again after having a recent conversation with someone about the film. We were discussing about how almost cheesy the whole movie is. I can’t believe when i was younger i didn’t notice how bad some of the effects were, or even […]

After talking about Beyond The Myth in class i wanted to watch the documentary for myself. I am a huge animal person and have never been around a pit bull i didn’t love. I believe as said in the documentary there is no dangerous breed but there are individual dangerous dogs. Social implications are all throughout this documentary with the two opposing sides. Those who do not think […]

Filming a horror movie had to be one of the most challenging things we have done yet! It was so hard deciding on what was too much light and what was not enough. Cynthia & i had a ton of fun shooting this though.  There’s nothing like the laughter of a child. Unless it’s 1:00 a.m. and […]

For my last few movies i am not taking my moms advice on which to watch because i haven’t enjoyed the last two movies she chose one bit. I watched Platoon this week and it was just sad. This movie is about the war going on in Vietnam. Social implications are shown all throughout this […]

I watched Invisible Children which about the children and their living conditions in Africa. This documentary was about 3 guy friends who decided they wanted to go to Africa and they ended up filming a whole documentary when they saw what the children there were doing just to survive. The children would leave their homes to go […]