Hawk Harrison [In Angels Hands]

John Harrison, Hawks daddy, played for the football team i cheer for. Hawk just celebrated his 1st birthday and Katie, Hawks mommy, asked me to do some pictures at his birthday. We decided to do this for his In Angels Hands shoot. So now i “mustache” you a question .. Was this little mans birthday amazing or what? All of the decorations and everything were perfect. I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who love and care for this little boy. So many people came to his birthday party and even more dropped in to see him, even the Hall County fire station dropped in! Everyone keep this sweet baby and his family in your prayers. I am so honored that i was able to be even a small part of his life. You can visit his page here Do It For Hawk and read his story below. 
Hawk had a massive spontaneous brain hemorrhage at 3 weeks old that we discovered 
through a head CT after he started vomiting and having seizures. Hawk was life flighted to Egleston Childrens Hospital of Atlanta where he was admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. He was put into a pentobarbital coma for weeks because they could not stop the seizures. A drain was placed in his head to drain the blood. The blood created scar tissue which has now lead to hydrocephalus. During his hospital stay he also formed massive blood clots that run from one knee, up to the abdomen, and down to his other knee; also small ones in each arm. He has tested negative for any clotting disorder. He has had 4 shunt surgeries and infection in his brain. He now has a shunt and we are home now. He is trying to learn how to do all the things he was so great at when he was born… to eat, track with his eyes, hold up his head, grab things, kick… all those things babies should be doing at 6 months old.” And that’s the quick version! In spite of what the world may think, the Lord has blessed us with the most sweet, innocent and loving son. Our prayer is that Hawk will continue to improve through the faithfulness and grace of the I AM, the one and only risen Savior in order to complete the work that was planned for him. 

*July 2013- Hawk is now 8 1/2 months old, he has a shunt that is controlling the flow of his CSF and allowing his brain to grow, he has developmental delays, a feeding tube as his primary source of nutrition but can eat baby food by mouth, is seizure free on Keppra and phenobarbital to control, is on lovenox blood thinner to prevent the formation of new clots and allow his DVTs to resorb, on neurontin for nerve pain, and on nexium for acid reflux. He gets physical, occupational, speech, vision and play therapy. Hawk loves the pool and visiting with other children. He is growing (currently 21lbs 7oz and 28 1/2 in long, and getting a little better each day.

*January 2014- Hawk is now 13 1/2 months old, he has a shunt that is controlling the flow of his CSF and allowing his brain to grow, he has developmental delays, a ng feeding tube as his primary source of hydration and can eat baby food by mouth. He is on a ketogenic diet in attempt to control his diagnosis of Infantile Spasms/West Syndrome. His is also on Keppra, Topamax, Klonopin, and phenobarbital for seizures, nexium for acid reflux, Miralax and Cuturell for digestion, and fish oil. He gets physical, occupational, speech, vision and play therapy. Hawk still loves the pool and visiting with other children. He is growing (currently 23lbs and 30 1/2 in long. He talking much more but the new seizure diagnosis has set him back developmentally.

Thank you all for praying for our son and may God bless you.

*Donations can be made at our Go Fund Me site:

*Any cards, gifts, or donations for Hawk can be sent to…

Hawk Harrison
P.O. Box 60
Gillsville, GA 30543

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